In 2021, the Unesa FIO Sports Science Study Program will conduct a user satisfaction survey (User Survey) involving 14 graduate users. This survey was held simultaneously using instruments compiled by the Unesa UCC Tracer Team. This instrument has been adapted to Unesa needs regarding national accreditation, international accreditation, curriculum revitalization, quality assurance, and others.
Regarding the performance assessment of the alumni of the Unesa FIO Sports Science Study Program, Figure 2 above shows that the majority of graduate users rate the performance of the alumni of the Unesa FIO Sports Science Study Program at their institution/organization in very good condition, namely 57.1%. Meanwhile, 35.7% assessed that the overall performance of the alumni of the Unesa Sports Science Study Program was good, and 7.1% considered the alumni's performance to be fair.
The instrument used also assesses the satisfaction of graduate users related to the attitudes of graduates of the Unesa FIO Sports Science Study Program which includes an assessment of the attitudes of Faith, Smart, Independent, Honest, Caring, Tough (Idaman Jelita). The content of these attitudes needs to be measured because IDAMAN JELITA (Faith, Smart, Independent, Honest, Caring, and Tough) is an attitude that characterizes Unesa alumni as stipulated in the Unesa Strategic Plan.
Not only assessing the performance and attitudes of alumni of the Unesa Sports Science Study Program, but graduate users also assess the abilities of alumni used in carrying out their duties and responsibilities at work.
The abilities assessed include 7 things, namely; Integrity (ethics and morals), expertise in the field of professionalism), English, Using Information and Technology, Communicating, Working in a team, and self-development.
The need for new elective courses/additional skills/competencies
- Advanced sports massage therapy/sports massage
- The science of physiotherapy and the practice of physiotherapy
- In-depth study of the mechanism of injury in sports injury cases
- Public speaking course
- English
- Provide professional certification to students
- Financial management
User recommendations
- It is necessary to improve competence in leading so that if you enter the community, these competencies are no longer in doubt or directly implemented
- Need to improve the sports massage curriculum
- Graduates are very good & professional.
- In general, the quality of all knowledge is good, but it would be nice to have more practical work in the field directly to increase student experience.
- It's been very good. Maybe it can be improved on the understanding of sports injuries both in terms of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology
- Basically, it's good, if you add the public speaking course, it will be perfect, I see many graduates who are smart but can't deliver & appear in public
- English in courses
- Increase student activities in the campus environment, in order to equip students when they are ready to be plunged into the professional world
- Enough to improve the quality of lectures, especially special skills and interaction with customers
- Expand study programs related to business